Page 4 - SmartMachinery
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Policy Initiatives —
            Smart machinery industry

            promotion program

                 In response to the massive changes brought by the IoT, 3D printing, AI,
            and robot technologies to life and industries, Taiwan implemented the "Smart
            Machinery Industry Promotion Program" in July 2016, in hopes of upgrading the
            precision machinery industry into the smart machinery industry. Taiwan aims to
            increase the output value of the machinery industry through professional talent
            cultivation, overall industrial upgrade and transformation, so as to expanding
            international cooperation and market opportunities.

              1     Smart Machinery Promotion Office

                 The Smart Machinery Promotion Office was established in February
            2017 to help create a new ecosystem for Taiwan's smart machinery industry.
            Developing various solutions based on Taiwan's precision machinery and ICT
            industries such as "digitalization of production management, from Industry 2.0
            to Industry 3.0," "establishing the national industrial IoT platform (PaaS)," and
            "developing service modules for different industry applications (SaaS)," to help
            key industries applying smart manufacturing. The "Smart Machinery Promotion
            Office" can help foreign companies participate in testing sites or exchange
            platforms and establish supply chain and partner networks in Taiwan.

                       Smart Machinery Promotion Office
             Contact   Telephone : 04-23598872   02-27046655 (Taipei Office)
             Information  Email address :
                       Address : 2F, No. 27, Gongye 37 Rd., Xitun District, Taichung City

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